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Work / Life / Sustainability Balanced

CSM recently worked closely with Gray Puksand and MPA Projects to develop the latest Frasers Property Australia Spec Suites at Rhodes Corporate Park.

Interior workplace fitout, Frazers, Rhodes for CSM

“We are thrilled with the design outcome of these suites. The lockers are a key value-add to the design and enhance flexibility within the workplace. The range of finishes and flexibility within the CSM locker range meant that we could specify lockers that tied in seamlessly with the look and feel of each suite”.
— Dana Pizzolato, Senior Interior Designer, Gray Puksand

Interior workplace fitout, Frazers, Rhodes for CSM

The driving principal for the spec suites was to create a best-in-class facility that promotes health, happiness and sustainability.

With sustainability at their core Frasers Property Australia and Gray Puksand’s design solution delivered tangible outcomes not only leaving a lighter footprint on the environment but also significantly reducing carbon emissions.

To support their sustainability goal further CSM was awarded the lockers package for the project. To provide the best-in-class facilities that include towel service, ensuites, bike racks, ironing and steaming facilities, hair dryers and straighteners, the team required best-in-class lockers manufactured from steel – the most recycled material on earth.

Interior workplace fitout, Frazers, Rhodes for CSM

Our local manufacturing capabilities allowed for the project to be delivered on schedule along with supporting the extensive sustainability drivers.

At CSM, we understand the power of steel.

More steel is recycled every year than paper, glass, aluminium and plastic combined, meaning steel has the ability to leave a positive and long-lasting environmental impact. Our product stewardship commitment to zero-waste and non-toxic chemical use means that all CSM products are designed to be 100 per cent recycled. Everyday, we see the power of harnessing steel’s recyclable potential to make real change. It gives us the backing to integrate each arm of our business to close the loop on waste.

Our locker and unique storage solutions are manufactured to your specifications in our Australian factory. With a diverse range of Australian-made lockers and storage solutions, there are no material or shipping delays.

For over 30 years we have been providing lockers and storage solutions for a diverse range of government departments, education, and workplace environments.


For more information on CSM projects and products contact us

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